Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunny Days with Snow!

 Our Measurement Unit has us comparing different lengths and using our "math talk." "My worm is the longest." "My worm is the shortest." We also compared school tools in length. Trying to find the shortest object in our class and the longest. 


Learning all about the number three by playing a simple game of Tic Tac Toe. 

 The students have been having a great time climbing and sliding down this giant snow hill at recess. Mrs. Brower was able to get this photo one day this week and I had to share with everyone. They are all smiling and just so happy to be outside! 

Playing on the giant snow hill at recess.


In our free play time the students have been building some amazing items. From robots to mini houses. 

We have studied really hard all month about ways to be a good friend. Some of the best ways that the class came up with was holding the door open for the person behind you and playing together. 

Working on the letters B and P this week. 
We worked on how to make the sound, how to write the letter and different words that start with the letter.  

The girls trying to make the upper case B. 

The boys trying to make the lower case b. 

This was Panda not Bear... but the student got it! Yeah! 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Three Very Busy Days.

This week was very short, only three days, 
but we were very busy with stories, 
new math games, and fun arts and crafts.   
Our first Panoramic Photo of the class. 

Tic Tac Toe with hearts and o's.

Cutting out hearts and learning how to sew.

Graphing with Candy Hearts 

Dog Sled Station for winter activity day. 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Fred the Star

Below is a video of Fred the Star.
**The video is filmed sideways. Please note that it should be rotated 90 degrees left.

 Here are the steps to creating the star.
1) Make a mountain
2) Draw two dots on either side of the mountain
3) Draw a line from the bottom of the mountain up to one of the dots.  (diagonally)
4) Draw a horizontal line across to the other dot.
5) Draw a line back to the bottom of the mountain. (diagonally)